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Study Medicine in Bulgaria

WHO Accredited Medicine Degrees

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MBBS in Bulgaria

Bulgarian universities will prepare you to navigate life in the art and science of medicine. The culture of excellence is an integral part, where students are prepared through a community for learning that favours their success. It's all about mastery over fundamental knowledge while also mastering adaptable skills!

Bulgaria is a country that offers educational opportunities for those who are interested in medicine. The degrees and certificates issued by these institutions have been internationally recognized, meaning you may work anywhere with this prestigious title on your resume! Prestigious universities such as Sofia Medical University and Plovdiv Medical University are WHO accredited.


Life in Bulgaria

MBBS course duration is 6 years and Indian students can complete a degree with 35-45 Lakhs. Medical universities in the country mandate applicants to take a Biology and Chemistry admission test. Several medical schools in Bulgaria ask for an English test such as IELTS or TOEFL.

The low living costs, as well as the low tuition fees, allow people from all over the world to study medicine in Europe without financial constraints. Of course, the capital Sofia has the most costly living costs in Bulgaria. Other Bulgarian cities such as Plovdiv, Varna, Pleven, and Stara Zagora offer reasonably priced lodging.

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Our Testimonials

I would like to extend my gratitude to all the staff of IFlyAbroad for their timely and effective assistance, which made my admission to MD, Surgeon course in Bulgaria Medical University easy.

Anand Bhatia

MBBS, Bulgaria

I have been trying to get into Medical universities in Bulgaria for over a year, but I was rejected every time. I emailed IFlyAbroad with my problem and they were quick to respond, helping me study Dentistry there.

Pramod Roy

MBBS, Bulgaria

IFlyAbroad’s professional and friendly service made the whole process of gaining admission to MBBS in Bulgaria straightforward. I would recommend them to anyone thinking about medicine abroad.


MBBS, Bulgaria